Sunday, April 22, 2007


Hi everyone! I did my jazz dance at the Festival of Stars in Westlock yesterday. Our group got gold!! Very pleased about that. Uum, I have to do my tap dance, 'Breakin' it Up!', today, and the group right before me has the exact same song- and they got to keep the rightful name!! Totally unfair, but we'll show them!! heehaw, I'll post a picture of me in each of my costumes when I have them uploaded to the computer.

TAFN, That's All For Now!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Back Home!

Hey there all my blog readers! Well, me and my familyl are back from Australia, safe and sound. We haven't loadeed the pictures into the 'puter yet, but when we do, expect a lot of pictures! We had an awesome trip, and when we came home, more than most of the snow had melted!! My favorite place in Australia was the beach we went to in Caloundra. There waas the ocean, a pool and a spray park right where we were! Love, Kenzie

If you want a more detailed version of my trip, you should read my Auntie's blog (we traveled with her and her family)-

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Some important info

hello peoples!!! Well, here's what you should know: If you click on the 'Sign In' thing, then the sign in for the old BLOGGER there is a thing that says 'Sign Up Here'. Then just go along, doing as the instructions say. Oh, yeah, I'M LEAVING TO AUSTRALIA ON SATURDAY!!! That is going to be one of the most exciting things ever.Well, that's all for now!!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This and that

Well, hello, all! In a recent post, I mentioned getting our tap costumes. I also meant to say, "Our jazz costumes are cool. They're an orange halter top and capri pants." Anyhow, back top tap costumes. Those are pink dresses with sparkly tiered ruffles. Today we had another drama club meeting. Oh, yes, to post comments on this blog, you have to have an account on either Google or Blogger. To get an account, I think you just go up to the toolbar in the top right-hand corner, click sign in and I think it says 'join' somewhere. So, that might help some of you.

Toodle-oo, Makenzie

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Going to...

Hello, all!! Guess where me and my crew are off to at the end of the month? AUSTRALIA! We are all so excited to leave this cold. We are packing and cleaning like crazy. Well, that's all I have tinme to write now. Gotta go get ready to catch teh bus!!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

A pic or two. . . or three

This last picture is of my other orange feline, Timmy Skinny St.Louis. When we got him, he was as skinny as, like, a twig. But, now he's a reasonable cat size. Him and Tommy act like brothers, and that's good, because Tommy is SO defenseless. That's pretty much all about that little animal.

FOOTNOTE: We have no picturres of my doggy, but I'll try and take one. He's camera shy ;-)

This is a picture of a cat that looks a lot like my oldest kitty cat, Covu Kookoo St.Louis. His nickname we always call him (Kookoo) is from way back. My little sister couldn't say Covu when she was little, just Kookoo. So that name stuck. He loves to fight. Yes, this is not a real picture of him. It's just off of the 'net.

Okay, this pic looks a lot like my littlest kitten, Tommy Stubby St. Louis. We've had him for six months, maybe more, and he's only grown FATTER.But he's every bit as cute as he is loud. This isn't an actual picture of him, it just looks alot like him, minus the eye color ( He's brown eyed).

This Week

Hello, all!! Let's see, what's up this week... oh yes, I have a drama club meeting today. We're in the middle of auditions. Then AWANA. Then, tap lessons. We get to try on our costumes today. I hope, hope, hope like crazy that they're blue or green. I've had to many red costumes in my life. Eeek, we get our report cards today.I hope I don't look like that poor little kitten when I see my grades!! Or my Daddy. Hehehe. Well, that's all I can write for now. TAFN!! I think I will write my name in Webdings.

Makenzie St.Louis

Hahaha. don't you just LOVE Webdings?

P.S. In case you didn't notice, I'm a total color freak!!