Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pictures and captions by me

Okay, if you didn;t think any of my other pictures were funny, whish they were, this has GOT to be a laugh. No one could pass these guys up. That big brown/black/greyish-white dog looks like "HELP ME!! Anybody! I'm too adorable to get squished!!"

Okay, this cute little puffball is straight off a toilet paper commercial. Isn't he just the fluffiest? Imagine how big he'll get when he grows up! He could look like a giant snowball!!! You'd lose him very easily in the winter, though.

In Australia, they have very different kinds of coffee. However, they have probably never tasted this concoction. Called a 'Kitty Latte', it is very exotic. I'm not even close to knowing where it came from. Perhaps Beijing? I have no clue. Maybe it's a cute little feather duster!!

Alrightski, in the e-mail that I got this in, the caption was 'A PERFECTLY GOOD WAY TO RUIN A FERRARI'. But, I think that is almost exactly what I want my first car to look like. How about you?

Monday, February 26, 2007

Adorable Picture!

If you've ever felt short, and compared to someone WAAAAY taller, and thought someone was hoping for a taller friend/child, forget all those thoughts. Be happy with who you are. And realize how lucky you are, not being that dog!! This guy was too cute to pass up. Now that I know how to upload pictures, expect a looooooooooot more. BTW, by the way, I didn't take this picture. I just got it in a great e-mail. TAFN, that's all for now!

Feelin' Icky

G'day. peeps! If you haven't determined it by the title, I'm feeling very icky right now. I about 10 hours, and I'm hoping it will go away soon. So, my story of today was
1) Lay on couch. Feel icky
2) Try eating ginger ale and soda crackers. Success!!
3) Lie on couch and read.
4) Try eating chicken noodle soup. Bad idea.
5) Sit on couch and read magazines.
6) Go online and write on blog and such.

That's what has happened so far today. I've left out all the icky details for the light stomached.
TAFN, that's all for now!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dancin' Queen

Hey, hey, hey!! I just got back from dance classes, tonite was tap. We've finished our dance, and it was called 'Breakin' up the house'. My jazz song( which is almost finished) is called 'Mambolayo'. I just love dancing, it makes me feel so energixed, and happy:-). Our school is having a so-called 'Winter fun day'. You basically go outside for half a day and play in the snow. It's really fun, mostly, but hockey doesn't really appeal to me. TAFN, that's all for now!!

Monday, February 19, 2007


Habe you ever just burst into an inexplicable fit of tears and sobs? I have, and for no good reason, either. The last time I cried with a good reason was last night, when I watched Flicka. That is a really good movie, by the way. Anyhow, I started crying ( not loudly, just tears.) because the sing 'My Little Girl' was playing, and that made me think of a little girl named Kali /boulerice. She passed away on November 3, 2006 and they played that song at her funeral. I'm going to try and post a picture of a baby panda on here, but it might not work. TAFN, that's all for now!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

First Post!!

Hello all! I've decided to start my owm blog! I don't know what I'm going to write about my utterly boring life, but I'll try!! Not much going on right now, got back from church 3 hours ago. The temperature is -1 degrees Celsius.I'll post again when something more interesting happens.

TAFN, That's All For Now, Kenzie