Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pictures and captions by me

Okay, if you didn;t think any of my other pictures were funny, whish they were, this has GOT to be a laugh. No one could pass these guys up. That big brown/black/greyish-white dog looks like "HELP ME!! Anybody! I'm too adorable to get squished!!"

Okay, this cute little puffball is straight off a toilet paper commercial. Isn't he just the fluffiest? Imagine how big he'll get when he grows up! He could look like a giant snowball!!! You'd lose him very easily in the winter, though.

In Australia, they have very different kinds of coffee. However, they have probably never tasted this concoction. Called a 'Kitty Latte', it is very exotic. I'm not even close to knowing where it came from. Perhaps Beijing? I have no clue. Maybe it's a cute little feather duster!!

Alrightski, in the e-mail that I got this in, the caption was 'A PERFECTLY GOOD WAY TO RUIN A FERRARI'. But, I think that is almost exactly what I want my first car to look like. How about you?

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