Saturday, March 3, 2007


Hello! A very important event in my life happened on Friday. . . the first time ever I went skiing!!!! It was way, way fun. I went with all of the grade five classes in my school. We only went to Tawatinaw, but it was great! The only battle scars I havae to show are pretty minor a big ole rope burn on my face from when I wiped out with my head underneath the tow rope, a bruise the size of a hockey puck on my hip, and way sore arm muscles from holding on to the tow rope with all of my might. If you've never been skiing before, go!! Get up from your computer and find a local ski hill. It's one of the funnest experiences ever. Ti: When you go skiing, always , ALWAYS, start with a lesson. They will tell you what to do; and how to stop. So, that's about it- wait! AWANA Field Days was today. That is when a whole bunch of AWANA clubs get together and have a big event with quizzing and games. It is way, way, WAY awesome. I've only been there twice, but those times were awesome. That picture represents the mobs and mobs of people at those events. But the butterflies are more colorful.

TAFN, that's all for now!

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